Julia Wasserman Animal Welfare Fund:
A Scholarship/Grant for Individuals who are Contributing to Animal Welfare in Fairfield County
The Julia Wasserman Animal Welfare Fund seeks to improve the lives of animals in Fairfield County. The fund seeks to enhance the lives of animals and their habitat, including farm animal welfare and responsible agricultural practices. Applicants should present applications that speak to any of the following issues:
I. Completed advanced agricultural or veterinary education, including veterinary technology and Ag Educator training, with respect to either large or small animals.
II. On-going research or a project that promotes environmentally responsible and sustainable agricultural/husbandry practices that benefit animals and enhance their welfare.
These funds can used to defray the expense of completed, formal institutional education/training as well as to fund independent research or projects that seek to improve the welfare of animals. All awardees will need to report back to the Fairfield County Farm Bureau – Grants and Scholarships Committee.
The Lyman Wells Memorial Agricultural Student Award
In order to promote careers in agriculture, every year Fairfield County Farm Bureau Incorporated presents an award to a serious and deserving Fairfield County young person who is involved with any of the numerous and varied aspects of agriculture. Currently the award is $750.00.
Lyman Wells was a long time member of FCFB and also served on the CFB Board of Directors as County Delegate. He was the husband of Patricia Wells and a brother to Royal Wells whom also served on our Board. He was a teacher in the Monroe School System and an advocate of education. The Wells family's generous donation in his honor has helped in the conintuation of this award.
Any interested party who meets the applicant requirements listed below should fill out the down-loadable application and send to the Fairfield County Farm Bureau Incorporated as listed on the application.
Applicants must be a Fairfield County Resident between the ages of 16-25.
Applicants must have current involvement in agriculture.
Applicants must have made a significant agriculturally related contribution.
Applicants must not have been a recipient of this award in the past.
The applications should be typed and postmarked no later than May 1.
Awards will be presented at a meeting at the Board of Directors on a mutually agreeable date. The recipient is invited to be a guest of the Fairfield County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in October.
Please download the application here
Fairfield County Farm Bureau also donates funds to the 4-H, the Future Farmers of America (FFA), and the Fairfield Country Extension Council.